If you identify as queer and are worried that you won’t find an LGBTQ+ friendly officiant for your wedding or elopement, this is the blog for you.

An LGBTQ+ couple stands at the altar holding hands and smiling at one another as their lgbtq officiant finishes the ceremony.

I understand that you might be on-guard; I can only imagine how hard it has to be continuously out yourself and your partner to potential vendors and have a lingering fear in the back of your mind that you’ll be rejected. Well, let me relieve some worries for you and share some good news. There are so many wedding officiants that would jump at the chance to bless you and your partner’s marriage. The downside? They can be a little harder to find, but fear not, here are three things that you can do to improve your LGBTQ+ friendly officiant search.

Research LGBTQ+ friendly dominations and find a church near you

A few dominations, organizations, and associations that are LGBTQ+ friendly that come to mind are Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC), the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), the United Church of Christ (UCC), and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA). These dominations by no means are your only options, but this is just to mention that there are dominations out there are open to the LGBTQ+ community.

Two LGBTQ+ marriers hold hands in front of their LGBTQ officiant, who is reading something from his binder, while one of the marriers starts to place a ring on their partner's finger.

Try out different referral sites

Referral sites can be a great resource to help narrow down your officiant search. Try out Equally Wed to find LGBTQ+ inclusive and affirming officiants, wedding vendors, or venues. The Officiant Directory is also helpful, as they only list all-inclusive officiants. If you and/or your partner celebrate the Jewish faith, 18Doors (originally called Interfaith Family) is also a great directory for both interfaith couples and Jewish couples.

An lgbtq+ newlywed couple begin to walk away from the altar as their individual siblings cheer for both of them and lgbtq officiant smiles.

Ask for recommendations from your friends and members of your community

If you feel comfortable enough, reach out to friends and/or fellow community members and ask for their recommendations. Having a recommendation from someone can take out the initial stress and anxiety of reaching out to someone new and help ease you into a conversation with your potential officiant.

If you’re feeling nervous, here’s a great script to start with for an in-person conversation, email, or phone call:

“Hi, I was recommended to reach out to you for your wedding officiant services by [recommender’s name]. Can you tell me more about the services you offer?”

With this script, you’ve revealed nothing about yourself, other than you’re interested in hearing more about this officiant’s service. Once you hear more about their services and offers, you can determine whether you’d like to proceed.

An LGBTQ+ marrier stands between their LGBTQ officiant and wedding party as they wait patiently for their partner to walk down the aisle.

The journey to finding your LGBTQ+ friendly officiant can be intimidating but I hope that these resources make your search a little easier. If you’re a queer couple and are still looking for other LGBTQ+ friendly vendors, here are a few questions to ask yourself as you’re searching.

In need of an LGBTQ+ friendly photographer for your elopement? Look no further than Cameron Warren Photography; I celebrate all love and specialize photographing LGBTQ+ couples. Check out my pricing to learn more about my philosophy, process, and packages. If you’re ready to book now, fill out an inquiry form to get started!

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